Today is International Women’s Day! This weekend marks the end of a wonderful Women’s Day Steam sale curated and organized by Wings Interactive which “funds indie games by women and gender diverse teams.” 

The Women’s Day Steam Sale started on March 1, and runs through March 10. The collection includes games that are made wholly or in part by women, trans women, non-binary, and gender nonconforming individuals. Some of the games have a discount, others don’t; but all the money spent goes to cool people making cool games!

I’m grateful to Wings Interactive for using their leadership to organize this sale, even of games they didn’t fund, especially in light of Nicole Carpenter’s Polygon report on the video game funding gap. It’s great to see Steam support initiatives like this. Last month, there was a featured sale on Black Voices in Gaming.

I rallied the Punished Backlog team to highlight our favorite titles, as well as share enthusiasm for ones we haven’t yet tried. All of the games we shared are available to play right now, though the Steam Sale also highlights exciting upcoming titles. Happy gaming!

Amanda Tien, Editor

20 Great Games Made by Women and Women-Led Teams

As I gathered our favorite titles, I realized they fell into a couple of categories, and so I’ve organized them as such: (1) (Murder) Mysteries, (2) Platformers and Explorations, (3) Clever Mechanics, and (4) Visual Novels

While Steam is only an option for PC and/or Mac games, we’ve also listed every platform that the games are available on. You can jump to a specific title, listed below alphabetically, or read on.

Call of the Sea, featured below

(Murder) Mysteries

Mysteries invite audiences to think critically, and as a medium, video games serve as a natural fit for the genre. Given the love that women have for mystery and true crime, it makes sense that games made by them are filled with intrigue and investigations!

Frog Detective

In Frog Detective: The Entire Mystery, you play as Frog Detective, which I guess is both his name and profession. Just that one simple fact should give you an idea of the tone of the game, which is, in a word, superdupersilly. I’m a sucker for a good mystery game and definitely a fan of any game where I can hang out with a variety of cute and colorful animals. So how could I say no to having the whole Frog Detective collection tied up in a nice neat bow and on sale? 

The Frog Detective games build upon each other, both in terms of plot from case-to-case and in terms of game mechanics. For example, later cases include more complicated plots, and gameplay changes include automatically recorded conversations and better movement. While Frog Detective: The Entire Mystery is far from perfect, I found that, after spending an afternoon with it, I could hardly wipe the smile off my face. 

– Written by Zack Gulinello

Steam Listing for Frog Detective
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: $4.99 for individual case, or $13.47 for the bundle 
All Available Platforms: PC, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5

Call of the Sea

2020 adventure title Call of the Sea from developer Out of the Blue is simultaneously formulaic and fairly bizarre. Played from a first-person perspective, the game lets the player control Norah, an American woman in the 1930s who travels to an island set in the South Pacific to locate her husband, who has gone missing after embarking on an expedition. However, Norah slowly but gradually learns that this endeavor is just as much about finding her true self – particularly a weird side of her she didn’t expect – as it is finding her lost loved one.

Much like classic PC adventure games, Call of the Sea tasks the player with solving environmental puzzles, reading optional diary entries, and listening to Norah’s inner thoughts as she progresses through strange lands. With a bevy of twists and turns and some genuine brain-busters, Call of the Sea is a must-play for anyone seeking that kind of mysterious puzzle challenge.

– Written by Sam Martinelli

Steam Listing for Call of the Sea
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: 60% off at $7.99
All Available Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S

Lord Winklebottom Investigates

This title is a great example of the importance of visibility. I LOVE mystery games, and I also really love animals in fancy Victorian outfits. I don’t know why, I just think it’s really funny. (I don’t like IRL dressed up pets.) So, Lord Winklebottom Investigates would be right up my alley, but I had never heard of it before — until the Women’s Day Sale! I could not add to cart fast enough.

I haven’t played Lord Winklebottom Investigates yet, but it looks delightful. A giraffe with a monocle is the world’s foremost detective in the 1920s, and he’s about to embark “on his most challenging case yet [in response to] a mysterious invitation to a remote island.” He’s joined by a hippo named Dr. Frumple. I’m in love, and so are players — it’s ranked Very Positive on Steam. I can’t wait to experience this twist on the “classic British murder mystery!” 

– Written by Amanda Tien

Steam Listing for Lord Winklebottom Investigates
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: 40% off at $11.39 
All Available Platforms: Mac, PC 

Saltsea Chronicles

Saltsea Chronicles is a point-and-click narrative adventure, exploring the colorful islands of the Saltsea Archipelago. It was released last year by indie Danish studio Die Gute Fabrik (which sadly has just halted its productions), which previously released Mutazione. The game tells a tale of treachery, love, and soul searching, and its unpredictable, heartwarming story put me on the edge of my seat. I didn’t want it to end.

The player controls the pacing of the story. It’s up to you to decide how deep you investigate and which of your crew members you want to lead the way. Throughout the story, you’ll learn more about your crew and the missing Captain Maja. I thoroughly enjoyed playing Saltsea Chronicles and will happily play through it again. It also made fellow writer Amanda’s Top 10 Games of 2023 list

– Written by Allison McDaniel

Steam Listing for Saltsea Chronicles
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: 25% off at $18.74
All Available Platforms: Mac, PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5

A still from the cinematic trailer for Rusted Moss, featured below

Platformers and Explorations

Video games provide an opportunity to experience new places and situations. The following games utilize player movement as a way to engage not just with the unique worlds around them, but as a way to actively participate in the story.


In Ooblets, you create your own farmer who grows sentient vegetables who can have dance battles, while also befriending local townspeople. It’s both familiar and novel. But most of all, it’s comforting and delightful. 

The gameplay loop of building kinship through activity reminds me of Pokémon; I sang Ooblets’ praises on our recent podcast episode! I also enjoy the balance of farming and townie friendship, a staple of cozy games.

With its bubblegum color array and sweet plunking tunes, Ooblets feels like a big hug. Just like a weird little mushroom Ooblet wearing a top hat who can bachata like nobody’s business, it’s been a joy to watch this game grow since its early access in 2020. 

– Written by Amanda Tien

Steam Listing for Ooblets
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: 40% off at $17.99 
All Available Platforms: PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One


Signalis is a top-down horror adventure game with combat and exploration. Its aesthetics bring together the potential of body horror and the sleek design of futuristic tech. The game builds on late ’90s and early ’00s games while reimagining them for modern audiences.

Signalis layers fear through a series of carefully designed spaces, eerie music, detailed world-building, and tricky combat. I’d recommend it to anyone who grew up or enjoyed playing the first two Metal Gear Solid games and thought they needed more of the same horror elements from Konami’s Silent Hill or Capcom’s Resident Evil series. Signalis is a kaleidoscopic game, and one worthy of your time.

– Written by Clint Morrison, Jr.

Steam Listing for Signalis
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: 30% off at $13.99
All Available Platforms: PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S


2018’s Celeste isn’t just one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time; it’s one of the more emotionally resonant explorations of anxiety, making peace with one’s identity, and creating your own sense of achievement. In the game, protagonist Madeline must climb her way up Celeste Mountain, fending off her own self-doubts (personified as Badeline, or “the other side of me”) and pushing through harsh hazards on the way to the top. The platforming mechanics are super sharp, the soundtrack is effervescent and encouraging, and the game contains loads of bonus levels and optional challenges to keep players invested well past the credits roll.

There’s only so much more I can explain about Celeste’s incredibly smooth and challenging gameplay, but what players have learned about the title since its release six years ago is that Maddy Thorson, the game’s director, has come out as transgender (she/they), and that the character Madeline is a transgender woman herself. What I initially thought was a story centered on mental health and self-care became so much more; rather, Celeste also reflected how Thorson began to come to terms with her own identity. Much like Madeline, we’re all climbing our own mountains at our own pace.

– Written by Sam Martinelli

Steam Listing for Celeste
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: $19.99
All Available Platforms: Mac, PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One

Rusted Moss

Rusted Moss looks like someone mashed Celeste and Returnal together into some sort of platformer/bullet hell meat patty, then fed it through a Metroidvania sausage maker. The result? A delectable tube of pixelated precision platform puzzling mixed with brutal bullet-loving bosses, encased in a fantastical alternate history of man and fae, witch and changeling, which I am just totally about. This weird metaphor has run its course, but I’ll also add the gameplay innovation Rusted Moss brings to the genre, perhaps its most identifiable hook (pun intended): a physics-based grapple gun that lets you sling and swing across the map like Spider-Man, but also you have a semi-automatic and are maybe a faerie.

I’ve been waiting eagerly for Rusted Moss to drop for consoles, but it’s hard to pass up a deal like this for a game I’m pretty confident I’ll love. And based on the reviews, it seems I’m not alone in that expectation. If you’re jonesing for your next Metroidvania fix post-Prince of Persia like I am, Rusted Moss seems like a must-play.

– Written by Ben Rashkovich

Steam Listing for Rusted Moss
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: 40% off at $11.99
All Available Platforms: PC (Consoles TBD)


Haven is a colorful, sweet game about a young couple who have escaped from their controlling society, Romeo & Juliet-style, as they try to survive on an isolated planet. This game is possible to play co-op, but it’s great solo as well. 

As Kay and Yu, players will explore the planet, gather resources, try cooking, fight weird aliens, and have thoughtful philosophical discussions. There are dreamy set designs, well-written dialogue, and accessible combat. The game is also very inclusive of both racial and gender identities (players can choose male or female representations of Kay and Yu, allowing players to dream of a new life for queer star-crossed lovers). 

But, perhaps best of all, the characters have honest-to-goodness hover boots. It is an absolute joy to float and race along planets and asteroids, and you’ll want to space surf for hours.

– Written by Amanda Tien

Steam Listing for Haven
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: $24.99 
All Available Platforms: PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S


Pekoe is the perfect combination of two cozy favorites: cats and tea. You play as the new resident and tea shop owner. You discover the history and mysteries of the town by brewing tea and getting to know your neighbors.

The simple gameplay really encourages the player to take their time and enjoy the process of settling into a new life. In an era of fast-paced, min-max style games, Pekoe feels like a warm invitation to slow down and enjoy the journey. 

– Written by Alexia Dahlin

Steam Listing for Pekoe
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: 10% off at $16.19
All Available Platforms: PC, Mac

Card Shark, featured below

Clever Mechanics

These titles stand out by inviting players truly to play. In these games, developers pushed the boundaries of genre and medium expectations, and had some fun with it — just as you’re bound to.


Think Tinder, but make it a multi-generational kingdom ruling simulator game. It’s addicting, quick, and exciting. By swiping, you’ll make alliances, avoid peasant revolts, and grow your legacy. There’s a big picture plot for each Reigns, but the joy of the game is in the moment-to-moment decision making. Impressively funny and surprising, Reigns delights in both short game sessions or big binges. 

The team behind Reigns has had many versions, including a partnered one with Game of Thrones and one set in a space kingdom. Go with any version that piques your interest. I personally like the feminist witchy swiping of Reigns, Her Majesty, which helps translate that feeling of taking back power from dating apps.

– Written by Amanda Tien

Steam Listing for Reigns: Her Majesty
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: 50% off at $1.49 
All Available Platforms: PC, Mac, iOS, Android, Switch 

Cult of the Lamb 

Cult of the Lamb is unlike anything I’ve ever played before. Taking control of a charming and cute lamb who is sacrificed in a satanic ritual and subsequently spared by an all-powerful demon to do its bidding and recruit woodland creatures to be part of their cult was admittedly a new one for me. But the more I played, the more I realized Cult of the Lamb is the absolute perfect mashup of Hades and Animal Crossing. Two of my favorites, to be sure, but not games I would have thought to combine. Silly me. 

The gameplay loop of navigating the woods to destroy enemies, bringing back materials and recruits to your cult, building up your facilities, and leveling up the cult itself is beyond addicting. Factor in the outstanding combat, the ability to marry as many of your followers as you want, and the general absurdity of watching a lamb sacrifice an elephant to his god-like master, and you’ve got a true gem. 

Cult of the Lamb probably isn’t for everyone, but if you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to do the evil bidding of a demon, it doesn’t get much better than this!

– Written by Zack Gulinello

Steam Listing for Cult of the Lamb
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: 40% off at $14.99
All Available Platforms: PC, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S

Card Shark

Card Shark looks, sounds, feels, and plays like a Victorian novella. You play as a mute orphan in 18th century France, recruited by a nobleman to assist in all manner of delightful sharkery — i.e., cheating at card games. It’s a compact game with a definite story that you progress by visiting different locales, learning various means of duplicitous dealing and skulduggerous shuffling, and making the occasional narrative decision. Minute to minute, the game challenges you to complete increasingly complex chains of quick-time events, memory puzzles, and the like, which usually (but not always) feel engaging. 

Will Card Shark change your life? No, probably not. But for me, at least, it offered a comfy old-book-by-the-fireplace vibe from charming beginning to surprisingly intense conclusion, transporting me to a little painted world I was happy to inhabit for the game’s crisp playtime. 

– Written by Ben Rashkovich

Steam Listing for Card Shark 
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: 50% off at $9.99
All Available Platforms: PC, Mac, Nintendo Switch


In Unpacking, you follow the life story of a woman by unpacking her belongings at different stages of her life. It is such a cool game. Each item and scene tells its own story in Unpacking. Whether you’re unpacking a teddy bear with sentimental value, leaving items behind to move in with a roommate or significant other, or downsizing due to financial problems, the game doesn’t shy away from the charms and harsh realities of life.

Aside from its moving story, Unpacking also works as a calming puzzle game. There’s a satisfying degree of freedom as you choose where to place your belonging, as well as a Tetris-esque quality to finding space for everything in order to progress.

– Written by Sarah Paul

Steam Listing for Unpacking 
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: 50% off at $9.99
All Available Platforms: PC, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One

The Ranch of Rivershine

The Ranch of Rivershine promises all the classic elements of what you would want from a horse game. So what makes it a “clever mechanic?” The fact that it’s doing it at all in 2024, and by all accounts, seems to be doing it well. The horse game genre has been all but abandoned by major developers since their heyday in the early 2000s. I recently wrote in our “Most Wanted Remakes” feature:

“I’d argue that the rise of cozy games and wholesome games showcases the void where many players and developers have felt their interests ignored. In the late 90s and early 2000s, youth were fed a near-constant drip feed of books and films that romanticized a vision of freedom and friendship with a horse. It’s good that we’ve moved away from overly gendered titles since the early 2000s, but the inverse problem is that, in a movement for ‘x is for everyone,’ many gamers’ interests have been forgotten. Let’s ride again, shall we?”

The Ranch of Rivershine features racing, breeding, nurturing, and exploring, all bundled with a charming art style. The Ranch of Rivershine has been in early access since summer 2023 and is just for Windows right now, but as soon as I get a gaming PC or Steam Deck, I’m galloping to the ranch.

– Written by Amanda Tien

Steam Listing for The Ranch of Rivershine
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: $29.99
All Available Platforms: PC

Death and Taxes, featured below

Visual Novels 

Visual novels are one of the more accessible entry points for new gamers because they echo a medium many are already familiar with: books. In visual novels, there’s a good amount of reading and clicking through dialogue, but some of the most exciting — including the below — incorporate thematically-aligned functions to keep players excited and enveloped in the world.

Yes, Your Grace

Yes, Your Grace is a grim but compelling Ned Stark simulator. Over the course of a year, each week, you play as King Eryk, who hears requests from peasants, plays politics with lords and ladies, and checks in with his family. The game opens foreshadowing a massive battle, and as the player, you know the fight is coming before King Eryk does. This foresight is needed, as you work to protect Eryk’s family, subjects, and kingdom. 

Yes, Your Grace is a medieval management game that requires a deft hand with resources and time. Players must constantly balance out decisions to benefit and protect their kingdom, all while trying to be a present and nurturing father to three daughters during a time of political turmoil. It’s not a perfect game, but it is one that held me in a tight grip until I reached the conclusion. There’s a sequel coming soon, and I’ll be back in the throne room in a heartbeat.

– Written by Amanda Tien

Steam Listing for Yes, Your Grace
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: $19.99 
All Available Platforms: PC, Mac, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S

Death and Taxes

Death and Taxes is a point-and-click 2D narrative where you play as the Grim Reaper who works an office job. The object of the game, and your job, is to view files of living people and decide who gets to stay alive or die.

As you make these decisions and face your boss and his cat, you may face your own consequences as you aim for acceptance as you start your new career. It’s up to you to decide what kind of Grim Reaper you’d like to be: either follow your assigned quota, or not. There are multiple endings so changing up your decisions will offer some extra replayability in this cozy, clever indie.  

– Written by Allison McDaniel

Steam Listing for Death and Taxes
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: $12.99 
All Available Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One

Coffee Talk

If coffee shops are one of your happy places, you absolutely must try the Coffee Talk series. The games nail the cozy coffee shop aesthetic (always rainy, clinking sounds of dishware, lofi music) weaving a thoughtful meta plot over the course of a few weeks. 

In Coffee Talk and its 2023 sequel, you play as a barista of an all-night coffee shop. Each night, you will talk to a variety of customers, listening to their struggles and providing advice. What makes it different from your average visual novel is that, each night, you’ll make three beverages using a fun little drink simulator. Sometimes guests will tell you what goes into a drink, and other times, you have to guess or puzzle your way through.  You’ll serve honey lattes to struggling writers, design custom drinks for werewolves, and make tea to ease fights within inter-creature relationships. 

Both games welcome you in like a warm hug as a regular. Any indie game is a labor of love, much less one made through such difficult times. Coffee Talk and Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly are love letters to friendship and third places.

– Written by Amanda Tien

Steam Listing for Coffee Talk
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: 50% for Coffee Talk at $6.49, or 45% off at $15.28 for both games 
All Available Platforms: PC, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One

Slay the Princess

Black Tabby Games’ Slay the Princess is a well-crafted visual novel that gave me goosebumps throughout. Players begin with a deceivingly simple set of instructions: go to the cabin’s basement and slay the princess. 

Regardless of what you choose to do with that information, the game never ceases to surprise, shock, and discomfort. A complete playthrough might be brief, but the replayability reinvents the horrific elements at every turn. 

– Written by Clint Morrison, Jr.

Steam Listing for Slay the Princess
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: $17.99
All Available Platforms: PC, Mac

Boyfriend Dungeon

Boyfriend Dungeon was one of my favorite games from 2021. It’s half visual novel, half dungeon-crawler (so it could have also landed in the Platformers section of this list!). The dungeons are semi-urban settings, such as an abandoned mall, where you fight off demons that take the shape of everyday objects, like cell phones, using a weapon, who is actually a transformed person (who is very sexy). 

I know it sounds a bit silly, and that’s one of the things that makes it great. There’s a big degree of accessibility here for both combat and visual novels. The fighting is simple but fun, and very forgiving. There’s heartwarming, funny and thoughtful interactions with all the characters. Additionally, all the “boyfriends” — who aren’t all boys and you don’t have to be romantic — are beautiful, inside and out. 

I found Boyfriend Dungeon to be an absolutely lovely, delightful game. It’s a fun length as well, coming in at around five to eight hours of playtime, though you can take longer if you like with as many dungeon runs as you want. And if you want to explore the romantic dating sim but don’t want to do combat, check out ValiDate or LaterDater, both of which are also featured in the Women’s Day Sale. 

– Written by Amanda Tien

Steam Listing for Boyfriend Dungeon 
Price at Time of 2024 Women’s Day Steam Sale: 50% off at $9.99 
All Available Platforms: Mac, PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S

El Paso, Elsewhere

More Games Made by Women, People of Color, and Nonbinary Individuals

There are so many more amazing titles, both featured in the sale and not, made by developers from marginalized backgrounds.

For example, I loved last year’s Mail Time which was made primarily by one woman, Kela van der Deijl in the Netherlands; Clint had only good things to say about El Paso, Elsewhere which was made by Black developer Xalavier Nelson Jr.; Regency Love is a fantastic visual novel with Jane Austen inspiration made by Tea for Three, a studio of three Australian Asian women; and many of us at TPB are big fans of Citizen Sleeper, which was created by one-person studio, Gareth Damian Martin (they/them). 

If you know of other great games made by developers from marginalized backgrounds, please tell us in the comments! We want to play them. And, let us know what you scoop up from the sale!

Error happened.

A video game outlet that blends quality words with inclusive voices. For business inquiries and review requests, reach us at press [at] punishedbacklog [dot] com.

Alexia grew up on video games like Zoombinis and Freddi Fish. After she played The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, she decided that games were her favorite hobby. She recently moved back to her home in Central California after graduating with a Bachelor in Social Sciences and Communications in Belgium. Her interests include gaming subcultures, fantasy world-building, and writing about cozy games!

Zack has been hooked on games ever since his older brother taught him where to find the secret warp whistles in Mario Bros. 3. He has never felt more joy than when Yoshi congratulated him on getting 120 stars in Mario 64 or more sadness than when he played Kingdom Hearts 3 after waiting 14 years for it. Zack mails a letter to Nintendo every day asking them to bring back Chibi Robo and will gladly tell you all about why it’s one of the greatest games of all time. He was hoping that writing for the site would help him get through his backlog, but it actually just made it worse now that he’s hearing about so many more great hidden gems. Oops…

Sam has been playing video games since his earliest years and has been writing about them since 2016. He’s a big fan of Nintendo games and complaining about The Last of Us Part II. You either agree wholeheartedly with his opinions or despise them. There is no in between. A lifelong New Yorker, Sam views gaming as far more than a silly little pastime, and hopes though critical analysis and in-depth reviews to better understand the medium's artistic merit. Twitter: @sam_martinelli.

Allison has been playing all sorts of games since the late ‘90s. She particularly enjoys life sims, casual games, tactical RPGs, and anything Mario. Her dream jobs are to be a Stardew Valley speed runner and a Mary Tyler Moore historian. As a recent MBA graduate, Allison hopes to use her extra time tackling her backlog and the never-ending list of 2023 releases.

Clint is a writer and educator based out of Columbus, OH. You can often find him writing about Middle English poetry, medieval games, or video games. He just finished a PhD in English at the Ohio State University. You can find his academic and public work at

Sarah is a junior content outreach writer for OffGamers. She fosters relationships between gaming enthusiasts and gaming developers to create relevant content for gamers worldwide. She also happens to be a passionate writer and a certified night owl.

Ben is a lawyer by day, gamer by night, and overactive board game Kickstarter backer by dusk/dawn/witching hour. He loves Metroidvanias and Soulslikes, pixelated RPGs, and games about games. He's also passionate about board games and tabletop role-playing games, and is fascinated in a mega-nerd sort of way by academic theories about play. He’s got a new Twitter account for writing at @BenRashkovich.

Amanda Tien (she/her or they) loves video games where she can pet dogs, punch bad guys, make friends, and have a good cry. She started writing for the site in 2020, and became an editor in 2022. She enjoys writing about mystery games, indies, and strong femme protagonists. Her work has also been published in Unwinnable Monthly (click here to read her cover feature on Nancy Drew games), Salt Hill Journal,, Litro Magazine, Public Books, and more. She was the Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Columbia University's Culinarian Magazine, and served for two years as the Managing Editor of Aster(ix) Literary Journal. She recently graduated with a MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in Creative Writing from the University of Pittsburgh. Her writing, art, graphic design, and marketing work can be viewed at She does not post a lot on social, but you can find her on X and on Instagram.

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