Our Grading Scale

Reviewing games isn’t easy. Articulating thoughts about what’s good and bad about a particular experience is exceedingly challenging in an industry where numbers and scores are so heavily scrutinized.

The following scale is meant to help streamline this process. By being upfront about how we critique games, we hope to build transparency and establish consistency for our readership.

We score games on a 100 point scale from 0.1 to 10 (i.e., to the nearest tenth). This allows us to provide a range of expression and specificity not found on 5-star or 10-point scales. The criteria for where a particular game lands on this scale is determined as follows:

10: Masterful. Pushes the boundaries of what games are capable of. A must-play for any type of gamer.

9.0-9.9: Incredible. A game that transcends its genre to make for a truly compelling experience. The vast majority of gamers should enjoy playing it.

8.0-8.9: Great. A genuinely solid game. Does numerous things very well, but is ultimately held back from being extraordinary. Fans of the genre should really enjoy it.

7.0-7.9: Good. A game that, despite its flaws, is a worthwhile experience. While not everyone will find it equally appealing, it has merit and deserves consideration.

6.0-6.9: Average. A middle-of-the-road work that, while not bad, is also not good. The tipping point of our scale between worthwhile ventures and not-so-worthwhile ones.

5.0-5.9: Below Average. A game that is heavily flawed. Fans of the genre might be willing to overlook key problems and enjoy their time spent. Otherwise, you’re probably better off playing something else.

4.0-4.9: Bad. There are plenty of better games out there that are worth your time before this. While the rare gamer may derive pleasure from playing this, the overwhelming majority should stay away.

3.0-3.9: Terrible. Actively bad from start to finish. There’s little to no merit in playing something like this. Nobody outside of crazed fans and family of the developer would ever consider picking this up.

2.0-2.9: Abysmal. A broken mess. A shell of a game that might have had potential sometime way back during development, but lost all of it by the time the product hit store shelves.

0.1-1.9: Horrific. If there was ever any effort put into this abomination, it’s impossible to see. Not even worthy of being called a video game. If you’re playing this, chances are you’re quite aware of how awful it is.

Through this scale, we commit to covering games with consistency, transparency, and integrity.

If you are a game developer or publisher who would like us to cover one of your games, contact us!

– David Silbert, Founder & Editor

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