Zelda’s Horned Statue

As what may be Zelda’s strangest NPC since Tingle, the Granter of Boons is Link’s one-stop shop to shuffle around Heart Containers and Stamina Vessels. It’s cheap, fast, and unbelievably difficult to find. Minor location and side quest spoilers ahead.

Where is the Granter of Boons?

Upon completing the tutorial, leap off the Great Plateau and follow the optional narrative flag “Seek Out Impa.” After finding Kakariko Village, head southwest, and you should eventually be able to spot a Sheikah Tower in the distance. From the tower, head a few more clicks east, and Link will eventually stumble upon Hateno Village. As one of the largest merchant hubs in the game, Hateno Village is home to the Kochi Dye Shop, critical upgrades for your Shiekah Slate, and even a residence Link can purchase for himself. In fact, Link’s house is exactly where we want to go to find the Granter of Boons.

Walk across a small bridge near the entrance of Hateno Village, just past the town’s shrine. This will lead you to the purchasable property. The Granter of Boons is located underneath the bridge connecting these two spots. We lit a fire next to him in the screenshot below.

After a quick chat with the statue, the Granter of Boons is available for all your re-specing needs.

The Statue’s Bargain

The process of re-specing is rather clunky. Players are expected to “sell” either a Heart Container or a Stamina Vessel for 100 rupees. Speaking to this statue once more offers the ability to buy one or the other for 120 rupees. In effect, Link is able to shuffle around his stats at 20 rupees per shift. It’s a lengthy, ugly process, but it’s a necessary one.

The Granter of Boons is located just in front of Firly Pond, as shown by this red marker.

At the very least, the Granter of Boons is one of BotW’s most creative NPCs.

Hope this guide helps. For more on Breath of the Wild, check out our ranking of every single character in Breath of the Wild. Yes, seriously.

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PJ's played games for the better part of 16 years. His earliest gaming memory involved going to his neighbor's house to play GTA Vice City way too young. His second was being thoroughly unamused at a demo in Target. It was weird and hard. You had to keep swinging on ropes. That game was The Wind Waker, his favorite game of all time.

He speedruns. He writes about speedrunning.
He plays music. He writes about music.
He Tweets. Find it here: @HashtagPManning


  1. Megan Pharries on

    Well, you know if you talk to one of the kids in town they’ll say “hey wanna see something cool?” And he takes you to it. So it’s really not that hard to find ??‍♀️

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    • Not every player speaks to every npc so in fact unless you do that it is hard to find. ✌️

      Error happened.
      • I mean come on, speaking to NPCs is a basic way to gather info in a game. It’s not that hard.

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  2. Art Vandalay on

    3 years later we’re still replying, guess I should’ve talked to that NPC and saved some time?

    Error happened.
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