The Expanse: A Telltale Series returns with its briefest episode yet, setting the stage for a climatic final episode in a couple of weeks. While entertaining, Episode 4: Impossible Objects breaks any remaining barrier between the prequel game and the television series. If you haven’t yet seen the show, you’ll need to if you wish to understand this episode’s events.

Episode 4 is all about Belter protagonist Camina Drummer’s relationship with her past. Drummer spends much of the episode alone with her oxygen running low. Telltale shows her transition into the character Expanse fans are more familiar with in the show. 

For some, Episode 4 may feel a bit like filler. At just 45 minutes, it’s easily the shortest entry in Telltale’s take on The Expanse thus far. Brief as it is, however, the writing here makes it far from forgettable.

Drummer, Abandoned

Episode 4 picks up where tragedy may have left the player in Episode 3. That episode’s cliffhanger ending left Drummer stranded and alone. Left to fend for herself, Drummer begins the episode by lowering her oxygen intake, which forces her to walk slower. 

Drummer’s slowed pace does little to slow the pacing of Episode 4. Our protagonist spends much of the episode conversing with voices in her head. The most prominent of these voices belongs to Anderson Dawes—a name that has been mentioned in-game regarding Drummer’s past on Ceres and her relationship with the Outer Planets Alliance (OPA).  

Dawes isn’t the only familiar voice (or face) in store for fans of the show. I won’t spoil the reveal, but I was happy to see an old character from the events of The Expanse show and books. I can’t help but think how this seemingly pivotal moment will land for players who haven’t experienced the source material. While this character’s appearance felt like more than a mere cameo, we don’t actually see where their story “ends,” which robs the episode of some narrative weight.  

I’m not sure I can recommend playing through Episode 4 of the Telltale series without having watched at least the first season of the show. 

From Dead Space to Pirates

The Expanse: A Telltale Series – Episode 4 subverts some of the expected structure established in previous episodes. You will once again be navigating a mostly empty space station, with this episode ending with a trip through some mines. A couple of puzzles and some space ephemera of the station’s previous residents help keep these areas interesting. 

The last third of the episode puts Drummer and the player in a bit of an unfamiliar role. There were a few fade transitions that signaled I might be moments from the credits. To my excitement, Drummer’s story continued to more oxygen-rich territory.

This last segment trades corpses and disembodied voices for pirates. The encounter—teased in Episode 2—showcases some clever writing and character back-and-forth. Furthermore, the writing of the second familiar character from the show builds from and captures their characterization in other Expanse media.

Final Thoughts

Telltale’s writing continues to be superb, and The Expanse: A Telltale Series – Episode 4 provides an excellent deep-dive into an established character. While it doesn’t outstay its welcome and rather quickly transitions to the setup for Episode 5, I left my playthrough wanting more. 

The brevity of these episodes means that a replay with different choices will be more approachable than ever. That said, I leave my initial time with Episode 4 with an anxious feeling deep in my gut—one that won’t be resolved for a couple of weeks. 

Score: 7.0/10

For more on The Expanse: A Telltale Series, check out our reviews of Episodes 1 & 2 as well as Episode 3.

Clint is a writer and educator based out of Columbus, OH. You can often find him writing about Middle English poetry, medieval games, or video games. He just finished a PhD in English at the Ohio State University. You can find his academic and public work at

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