The Best of Video Game Folklore

For as long as there have been video games, there have been video game mysteries. Yes, games are mostly about good story and gameplay. But hidden content or cool Easter eggs can add a riveting “discovery” element to a regular game. Players make sure they pore over every detail to find cheeky additions from developers or secret rewards. But what about the secrets never found — and the mysteries left unsolved?

Some discoveries in video games have led to more questions than answers. From underwater books to creepy silhouettes, scary messages to conspiracy theories, there’s no shortage of mysteries that have grown from mere stories to legends. (Since many of these games are available on PlayStation consoles, grab some PlayStation gift cards if you want to try them out!)

Without further ado, here are five video game mysteries that remain unsolved:

Super Mario Galaxy 2 – Shadow Figures of Hell Valley

2010’s Super Mario Galaxy 2 was the second trip through the stars for our favorite plumber. The story was familiar: Mario, along with his younger brother Luigi, is out to battle Bowser and rescue Princess Peach. The gameplay too was the usual solid platforming fun, but then came a dash of cosmic horror!

Mind you, Mario games had shown before that they could deliver scares. Remember the Evil Piano from Super Mario 64? Or the entirety of the original Luigi’s Mansion?

That said, the Shiverburn Galaxy level in Super Mario Galaxy 2 certainly dialed up the creepy factor. As Mario and Luigi made their way through the volcano-covered planet, strange figures appeared to be following them, peering over the cliffs.

There have been attempts to solve the mystery. Persistent gamers dug around the game’s internal code and learned that the texture for the figures is named “HellValleySkyTree.” But visible, big eye holes on the figures made them look nothing like trees.

The internal name for the level was later revealed to be “BeyondHellValley.” Perhaps the figures are from a planned level that didn’t make the cut.

Super Mario Sunshine – Mystery Underwater Book

Here’s another Mario mystery to 1UP the last.

In the 2002 GameCube title Super Mario Sunshine, players hopped around the tropical paradise of Isle Delfino. During the “Red Coins in a Bottle” mission in Noki Bay, Mario can dive down to the ocean floor. Present there is a weird rock formation and a door. Weirder still, the door is partly open. A peek past it reveals a large book…

The most prevalent theory is that it was part of a scrapped mission. Mario perhaps had to deliver the book to the Noki Elder in exchange for a Shine Sprite.

There is also the connection between the strange book and Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto. Users on an IGN forum presented a quote from Miyamoto in the Nintendo Power magazine as evidence.

“What if everything you see is more than what you see — the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn’t?… Perhaps it is really a doorway, and if you choose to go inside, you’ll find many unexpected things.”

For the record, players can glitch inside the rocks but can’t interact with the book, so we’re all still thoroughly stumped.

Far Cry 5 – Tortured Radio Static

The 2018 open-world game Far Cry 5 has several radio stations you can tune into. Playing nonstop are classic rock songs, cult mantras, depressing news reports… and torture messages?

While driving around in the northern section of the fictional Montana map, players can listen to a strange radio station. It’s mostly static, but sometimes you can hear garbled screams and muffled moans. Players have also heard a voice saying “emergency” with gunshots in the background.

It’s been three years to the date since Far Cry 5‘s release. During that time, players have discovered similar static messages in other locations of the game world. There’s been no official word as to whether it’s an eerie Easter egg or part of a scrapped sidequest. But with no further progress as of late, the detectives are waiting on Ubisoft to spill the beans.

Resident Evil 4 – The Man in Green

Talk about a slow burner. Resident Evil 4 came out in 2005. And it took 12 years to discover this strange Easter egg.

In 2017, YouTuber Slippy Slides found an unusual NPC during the 5-4 chapter. It is a 2D texture of a person in a green jacket and blue jeans. During normal gameplay, a player needs an enhanced sniper scope just to see the outline. And there’s no reason for a sniper to be aimed in its direction either. No wonder it took a long time.

The discovery has led to more questions: Who is this person, and why are their arms up? What are they doing in a town overrun by monsters? Capcom surely won’t answer our pressing questions, and the best theory is that it’s an inside joke from one of the developers.

Grand Theft Auto V –  Mount Chiliad

No mention of gaming mysteries can be complete without Mount Chiliad.

First of all, the sheer scope of Grand Theft Auto games invites urban legends and myths. There was the infamous “Bigfoot” in GTA: San Andreas, and the mass grave from the same game. But nothing comes close to the frustrating Mount Chiliad mystery from GTA V.

On top of the mountain, there is a strange drawing that looks like a cave painting. It shows a series of passageways and boxes, with three markings on the bottom: a flying saucer, a cracked egg, and a man with a jetpack. This Easter egg hunt has lasted almost eight years. There are dedicated communities working day and night to solve the mystery.

While the quest had led to UFO sightings, players still hope to further crack the case. The most popular theories? There are passageways inside the mountain that lead to great treasures. Or, it all simply relates to the Illuminati! Which would be a terrifying discovery in and of itself.

The Power of Great Video Game Mysteries

Everyone loves mysteries. But there’s something about unsolved mysteries that is even more fascinating. Players continue to devote their free time obsessing over secrets, and there’s always more to these games than meets the eye. Such is the medium where players will interact with a game to find everything hidden beneath the surface. So it makes sense that developers tend not to provide answers to keep the community theorizing.

Some of the video game mysteries mentioned above may not be meant to be solved. But don’t let that keep you from trying. Who knows what secrets you might stumble upon? Let us know in the comments below of other unsolved gaming mysteries that you’ve come across that still boggle your mind!

Sarah is a junior content outreach writer for OffGamers. She fosters relationships between gaming enthusiasts and gaming developers to create relevant content for gamers worldwide. She also happens to be a passionate writer and a certified night owl.


    • Yet it does not solve clearly, but we can find any gamers found the script of that character embedded inside the game.

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