Baldur’s Gate 3 is perfect for TikTok shenanigans. As much as I love playing Larian’s latest CRPG hit, I equally enjoy watching clips from others, even if it means running into the occasional spoiler here and there. Whether it’s compilations of Astarion running into traps, Gale yelling at you about licking a spider, or the various ways you can use Fireball to wreak havoc on NPCs and foes alike, TikTok has it all. In fact, my feed has me constantly laughing or saying, “You can do that?!”
But what I love the most is when my interests unexpectedly collide on my FYP. I once thought that a video of Taylor Swift’s albums as BG3 characters would be the ultimate crossover of my favorite things. However, I was proven wrong! As an avid book girlie whose shelves are full of romance and fantasy novels, I couldn’t be more excited when my #BookTok feed crossed over into the #BG3 land. And, honestly, the connection makes a lot of sense.

BookTok Meets Baldur’s Gate 3
The rise of BookTok has ensured I always have my next read (or 20) ready to go. From must-read memoirs to LGBTQ+ novels, I’m never without a rich selection of recommendations. However, this is the first time I’ve run into game-inspired book recs, and I’m surprised it took this long. As it turns out, there are plenty of avid readers searching for their next BG3 fix, like I am.
Thankfully, BookTokers are coming to the rescue. Creator Millie the Book Witch actually crafted a rather accurate list of novels to read based on your in-game romance choices, all of which have been added to my to-read list. In Memoriam by Alice Winn, Electric Idol by Katee Robert, and Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher are just a few of the ones mentioned.
On the other hand, some BookTok creators are actively being told by their audience to start playing BG3 for its excellent writing and, of course, a certain sassy elf vampire. However, some are also trying to avoid playing the game because they know they’d just love it too much—as is the case for Amelia. I, for one, have had a hard time balancing my reading habits with my gaming habits since BG3’s release, so I can definitely relate to the struggle!

D&D, Book Lovers, and Baldur’s Gate 3
Nothing gives off more book vibes than D&D-inspired RPGs. Dragon Age: Origins, Icewind Dale, and each of the Baldur’s Gate games are all rooted in that grand storytelling experience you get from D&D. Whether you’re the GM or a player, there’s quite a bit of care that goes into weaving the campaign with intricate world-building and crafting your character’s personality as well as their backstory, so much so that it’s not unlike the efforts writers put forth on the page.
So, if BG3 is for the book lovers out there, it’s likely because D&D is, too. Yet, I think we love these games because they allow us to go beyond the confines of a novel. Not only do we get to embark on an adventure with our ragtag group of weirdos, but we also get to choose dialogue options, dress in the ultimate fantasy garb, and interact deeply with the world Larian has crafted. And when I say deeply, I’m talking about the satisfaction of shoving a difficult boss off a cliff, of course.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I love books and games equally. But sometimes you just want to feel like you’re there, and BG3 transports you like no other. I mean, you can literally get polymorphed into a cheese wheel and roll around a bustling city in this game; it’s pure fantasy and fun all the way through.

Meet the Companions
It probably goes without saying that a great story would be nothing without great characters, which is true for games, books, and even films. Baldur’s Gate 3 has a stellar cast of companions who have been a major draw for seasoned gamers and newcomers alike.
For instance, you’ve got Karlach, half fierce warrior and half loveable teddy bear who wants a hug more than anything else. Then there’s Lae’zel, our determined and often sharp-tongued Githyanki soldier who has a tender side hidden under her aggressive front. You’ve likely seen clips of Wyll, Shadowheart, Halsin, Minthara, and more, getting into all sorts of predicaments. I recently saw a TikTok of Minthara threatening to kill a clown, which has honestly made me consider starting an evil playthrough just to get her into my party.
Of course, Astarion has dominated my FYP from the day BG3 launched. Just this morning, I opened up TikTok to see a montage of his best sassy quotes. In fact, his sarcastic, sexy demeanor is why BookTok is simply enthralled with him. His vampire-ness, quick wit, and morally grey stance are all basically the recipe for a leading man in a dark fantasy novel. There’s a seemingly endless amount of vampire books to fit your obsession with Astarion. Though, if I’m being honest, I need more book recs for the Karlach stans out there. She’s my favorite fictional character of the year, so please, send them my way!

Final Thoughts
All in all, from the epic adventures to the unforgettable companions, it’s not surprising that BookTok and Baldur’s Gate 3 are the perfect match. If you love a good story, you’ll have the time of your life with this game, and if you love this game, you’ll likely enjoy strolling down the fantasy aisle of your local bookstore.
Either way, when you manage to pull yourself away from your latest playthrough, you can simply curl up with a good book so it feels like you never left.