Like many great Japanese role-playing games, Metaphor: ReFantazio has one hell of an ending. But getting there might be a little confusing! This guide is to help answer some questions that may pop up as you approach Metaphor’s end-game, and get you to that perfect ending.
While we will do our best to avoid as many spoilers as possible, MINOR SPOILERS WILL FOLLOW and then MAJOR SPOILERS after that.

The False Ending(s)
To start September 24th is NOT the Point of No-Return. You will have plenty of time after your meeting in Grand Trad, so do not stress too much!
Once you do complete September 24th and 25th, you will have 30 Days to wrap up any loose ends. This includes new bounties, quests, and gear to collect, so spend your time wisely! Two new night-time-only events will open up in Altabury as well, so make sure to check those out!
Now, for a little bit more spoilery direction:
The Final Dungeon(s)
Skybound Avatar is NOT the Point of No Return either! Once you complete the dungeon, you will be sent back to the ground to wrap up any loose ends, with the final day being October 26th.
What this means is that you can use the Skybound Avatar to level and grind before tackling some of the very mean optional bosses that have unlocked. We recommend tackling the Avatar early in your 30-day period, once all Follower meetings are complete.
Note: You will need at least four daytime periods to complete the optional bosses, so make sure you leave some time for those! The rewards are very worth it!
Good luck!
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