What if Apex Legends players got armor evo points by reviving or respawning teammates? We break down why and how it could work.
Browsing: Op-Eds
Pentiment, a title from Xbox Game Studios, is out for PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One… yet it doesn’t work for Xbox One. An op-ed.
In honor of November 5, National D&D Day, here are five great video games for Dungeons & Dragons lovers that aren’t Baldur’s Gate!
With the 3DS eShop closing, I played The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons for the first time, and enjoyed nearly every minute of it.
“Gotcha!” game mechanics are as maligned as they are misunderstood. Let’s explore how these mechanics amplify (or cheapen) the experience.
Metroid Mike 64’s Mario Maker 2 creation is certainly enjoyable, but it just makes me want a real Super Mario Bros 5. even more.
“Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games” is a new YouTube channel from the creator of Kirby and Super Smash Bros. Here’s why it’s worth your time.
Every great protagonist needs a great sidekick. In same cases, that side character even steals the spotlight. Here are 10 great examples.
Having trouble deciding which of director Jordan Peele’s horror movies is best? From Get Out to Nope, here’s all Jordan Peele movies ranked.
Learn how the Mass Effect trilogy defined a gaming generation with its role-playing choices, DLC controversy, over-marketed ending, and more.