What makes DLC worth it? How does the expectation of DLC change our experience? We discuss all things DLC, including the best DLC out there.
Browsing: Horizon Zero Dawn
Want a fun way to celebrate, laugh, and/or cry about your favorite games of 2022? Introducing The Punished Backlog’s first ever prop awards.
Summer is always slow for game releases, giving us plenty of time to catch up on the old backlog. Enter the 2022 summer backlog challenge.
Guerilla Games made a bad choice two-thirds of the way through the game that will have a major impact on Horizon 3. Big, salty spoilers.
We delve into the ending of Horizon Forbidden West, and explain how it prioritizes a hurried sequel setup over saving the world.
If you’re short on time or attention, check out our list of the best side quests and errands in Horizon Forbidden West for story and gear.
After 10 hours with Horizon Forbidden West, I’m prepared to backpedal like a biker who’s seen a bear. The game is great, and here’s why.
As I make my way through Guerrilla Games’s Horizon Forbidden West, I can’t help but wonder if I’m suffering from PlayStation fatigue.