Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has too much content; let’s just say that right now. Its deluge of mini-games and side quests, on top of an already huge main plot, is the epitome of I ain’t reading all that, but I’m happy/sad for you. But it’s still a great game!
To help you narrow your focus and keep the joy alive, I’ve highlighted the nine best side quests (out of 36, many of which have several sub-parts!) from Square Enix’s most recent behemoth.
The Best Side Quests in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Below, you’ll find the best Final Fantasy VII Rebirth side quests in chronological order. I determine “best” as a mix of interesting story beats, fun gameplay, and great gear. (I’m not counting the side quests where you unlock Chocobos; those are integral to moving about the map and feel so important to the main quest that it’s rude to pretend they’re anything but.)
Of course, if a side quest inspires you and it’s not on this list, go for it! Rebirth makes it very clear which companion is associated with each quest, in case you want to boost your relationship with a party member in particular.
I’ve tried to be as spoiler-free as possible. That said, if you’d prefer to go in fresh, that’s cool too!

1. “Flowers from the Hill” — Grasslands, Chapter 2
You walk around with Aerith and pick flowers for some nice kids. It’s cute and easy. I don’t know what else to say. Do it.
Where to find it: After unlocking your first Chocobo, speak to Chloe at Bill’s Chocobo Ranch.

2. “When Words Won’t Do” — Junon Region, Chapter 4
Play for one of the absolute best songs in the game from the game’s award-winning soundtrack, and to protect a very good boy.
Where to find it: On the Under Junon community noticeboard after Yuffie joins the party.

3. “The Saga of the Seaside Inn” — Corel Region, Chapters 7–9
Despite this quest starting in Chapter 7, you won’t be able to finish it until other regions open up in Chapter 9. However, “The Saga of the Seaside Inn” brings about a great amount of laughs, fun battles, and some solid prizes for your commitment to helping your ole Sector 7 neighbor Johnny with his flailing business. It’s a multi-part side quest that’s worth the follow-through.
Where to find it: On the Costa del Sol community noticeboard after beginning Chapter 7.

4. “Missing: Mr. Birdie” — Corel Region, Chapter 9
Big tough guy (Barrett) plus cute animal (baby Chocobo) is a beloved formula for a reason. This quest has several parts to it, features a few mini-bosses, and includes some heart-warming cutscenes.
Where to find it: On the North Corel community noticeboard at any point after starting Chapter 9.

5. “O Chicken, Where Art Thou” — Gongaga Village, Chapter 9
Despite some annoying gameplay on corralling a woman’s lost chicken, this side quest resulted in one of the most memorable moments of my playthrough. Don’t sleep on it.
Where to find it: On the Gongaga community noticeboard about halfway through Chapter 9.

6. “My White-Haired Angel” — Nibel Region, Chapter 12
This quest has everything. Cloud’s backstory. Some excellent Tifa moments. A banger remix of a song from an earlier quest. Cats.
Where to find it: On the Nibelheim community noticeboard about halfway through Chapter 12.

7. “Beneath Still Waters” — Junon Region, Chapter 12
In a game as plot-driven and party-focused as Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, I’m amazed the developers can find moments for secondary characters to shine. This side quest satisfyingly closes a plot loop, complete with a fun mini-boss battle.
Where to find: First you’ll have to do the “Tides of War and Worry” side quest (whose gameplay I found supremely annoying), but then you’ll find this on the Under Junon community noticeboard.

8. “Lament Of The Damned” — Nibel Region, Chapter 12
Hojo is a class-A creep. Wreck his sketchy laboratory under Shinra Manor in a series of combat challenges, and uncover some world-building details in the process. For your trouble, you’ll also get a great weapon for Aerith.
Where to find: On the Nibelheim community noticeboard.

9. “Escape from Endless Writer’s Block” — Gongaga Region, Chapter 12
This is a relatively short-and-sweet quest that rallies you and your party to take photos of Red XIII looking super inspiring in different locations. The best part is that it gives tons of experience (6,000 exp—about triple what you can get from other quests!) and a few smiles along the way. It’s a nice road-trip-like moment with your pals before the end of the game when things get super serious.
Where to find: On the Gongaga community noticeboard.

Bonus: All of the Queen’s Blood Quests—But ONLY If You Like the Mini-Game
This is a fun arc of quests, but only if you enjoy the actual Queen’s Blood mini-game. Unlike the quest arc for Gwent in The Witcher 3, the Queen’s Blood series never really results in a super entertaining plot. However, if you like this particular mini-game (and there are literally dozens of matches in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth), you can’t go wrong here.
Do any quest that mentions a “card” in the title, then play (and win) against every Queen’s Blood optional competitor in the game (in every major city location) to unlock a challenging final match. Otherwise, if you’re not vibing with the cards, feel free to skip.
Where to find: Speak to the Bartender in Calm in Chapter 2 or later to be introduced to the game with “A Rare Card” to begin the thread.

And Many More!
There are so many great moments in other Final Fantasy VII Rebirth side quests, though they’re not for everyone. For example, I loved the end of “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop,” but getting a high score on every mini-game in the Golden Saucer is incredibly time-consuming. Similarly, I’m rooting for Billy to win the Chocobo races in “Gold Cup or Bust,” but there was no way I was playing this game’s mediocre version of Mario Kart for hours.
Depending on your favorite party members, you may also enjoy some side quests more than others (such as going on a pre-planned, for-show date with Aerith in “Rendezvous in Costa del Sol” or watching Tifa do a concerning number of crunches in “Bodybuilders in a Bind”). As with so much of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, your mile may (and likely will) vary.
But in my opinion, the side quests above are the ones that stand out the most amid the hundreds of hours of content in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. And after writing this list, I clearly have a bias toward ones with animals. But c’mon, I’m not wrong. Those are so good. The “Bow Wow Wow” song? Incredible.
What Are Your Top Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Side Quests?
Agree (or disagree) with me? Let me know in the comments!
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is available now on PlayStation 5 and hits PC (Steam and EGS) on Thursday, January 23.